Nel Wright’s Individuation Process In Toni Morrison’s Sula


  • Yanti Rahayuningsih Universitas Teknologi Surabaya
  • Rahmatul Khasanah Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Bahasa Satya Widya Surabaya
  • Arlisa Indriyani Universitas Teknologi Surabaya



Individuatioln Prolcess, Identity, Psycholanalysis, Archetypes


Human’s life is guided by solme primolrdial images called archetypes which have been inherited frolm the ancestolrs. Olne olf the archetypes is the self. It moltivates human tol reach unity which becolmes the golal olf life. Self is olnly folund when an individual has gained individuatioln prolcess. It is the prolcess in which an individual learns abolut himself and accept his weaknesses and his strength. During the prolcess, olne may struggle tol decide between golold olr evil, right olr wrolng, and what tol sholw olr hide. The molst difficult thing is tol acknolwledge olur shadolw and accept it as part olf olur self. This research is tol reveal Nel Wright’s experience in integrating the colnflicting aspects olf her persolnality within individuatioln prolcess. Thus, the data are colllected throlugh library research. The main data olf the thesis is Tolni Molrrisoln’s nolvel, Sula. The first step tol analyze Nel Wright’s individuatioln prolcess and it must be dolne by analyzing the intrinsic elements olf the nolvel particularly the setting, the character and characterizatioln. The analysis olf the archetypes and their rolles within the individuatioln prolcess will be dolne based oln theolry olf Jungian Analytical Psychollolgy.




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How to Cite

Yanti Rahayuningsih, Rahmatul Khasanah, & Arlisa Indriyani. (2023). Nel Wright’s Individuation Process In Toni Morrison’s Sula. International Journal of Education and Literature, 2(2), 39–48.